Mostafa Nouriddine

@ Acksession LLC

Moustafa Noureddine is a seasoned professional with over two decades of experience in engineering program and product management. He excels in leading technical product management, delivering products to market, and driving operations and software teams. His expertise spans mobile platforms, software engineering development, and machine learning/AI. Moustafa has held significant roles at Google and Microsoft, contributing to the success of Google Cloud and Skype for Business for Mobile. As CEO of Acksession LLC, he built an engineering team in Lebanon and currently serves as a Software Architect in Residence at the American University of Beirut (AUB). He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science and an MBA with a finance concentration, and has received accolades such as the Gold Star Award from Microsoft and recognition for exceeding expectations at Google.

At the summit, Moustafa will discuss the transformative opportunities AI brings to various sectors while addressing common fears about job displacement. He will highlight AI’s positive impact on job facilitation and productivity, providing examples from his extensive experience in industries like mobile platforms, enterprise software, and machine learning. Moustafa will illustrate how AI projects have improved the lives of both those who work on them and those who benefit from them, showcasing the real-world benefits and potential of AI.